"Benders" are people with the ability to bend certain elements to their will. Some of the people cannot bend any element. One human can only bend one element, but there is one Avatar, he is able to bend all four elements. Avatar provides balance between other humans. 100 years before avatar Aang there was a war in which previous avatar died, Aang was trapped in ice at the bottom of the ocean for all this time, during those 100 years, fire nation conquered other nations and wiped out entire air nation. World need avatar more than ever, but Aang is only 12 years old. Can he defeat the fire lord and bring balance?
Water is the element of change. People originally learned waterbending from watching the moon creating tides in the sea. A waterbender can freeze water into ice, and melt ice into water in an instant. The most powerful people can bend other people's blood, though this is forbidden. Waterbenders are calm, empathetic and kind-hearted, they hate conflict and prefer to be supportive than justifiable or right. Also, they tend to be night owls. Greatest known waterbenders to this day are Paku and Katara. They tend to build their cities in the polar regions of the planet with ice, as seen in the picture below.
Earth is the element of stability (and my personal favourite element). Learned from underground animals, bending earth to move and create safe spaces for their offspring. An earthbender typically creates stable objects made out of soil below them, they are not delicate, but definitely effective. The more skilled the earthbender, the more complexity you can see in his work. Subcategories of earthbending are Metalbending, and the most rare, Lavabending. Stubborn and decisive, but always patient and waiting for the right moment to act. Greatest known earthbenders to this day are Tough and Bumi. Their cities are always breathtaking, example below, the great city of BA Sing Se.
Fire is the element of energy. Learned from mythical dragons. Firebenders are always full of energy, always first to act, and always have their opinions right away. Powerful firebenders are able to create and redirect lightning. In the show, fire nation attacked other nations and conquered them, but that does not mean all of fire nation citizens are bad. The problem was the corrupted king, not really all other people. Greatest has known firebenders to this day are Iroh and Ozai.
Air is the element of Freedom. Learned from flying bisons. Airbenders are playful people with a strong sense of humour, even though most of them are monks. Aribenders are strongly connected to spirits and nature. They would build in the mountains, really high up, as they don't have to fear falling down. Greatest known airbenders to this day are Tenzin and Aang.